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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Glaze Memes

I am always trying to make things fun and interesting to my kids. I also think of the most amazing things when I cannot do them, driving, shower, the day before I want to teach a lesson!  Today I came up with the idea of creating a Meme driven glazing lesson.... I decided that, why should I have to do all the work?  I gave the assignment to my Ceramics 3-6 kids.  They were given the task of brainstorming a list of reminders they'd give beginning kids about glazing.  Then they needed to turn these into a meme.  Their grade was based on ideas they generated in class discussion.  So I pulled up a meme generator on the front screen, and as a class we created these.  The memes were stronger because the kids had an opportunity to hash out ideas and build off what each other said.  Had I given them this assignment as individual, the ideas would not have been as strong or clear. 

Click on the link to see the presentation!